Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 4: Coppers and Columns

Today was another interesting day.
I will say, that writing this blog keeps me sane. It's good to write it down, process your thoughts and then let it serve as a reminder of the foolishness you've actually been through. I'm just saying, it is soothing to the soul. 

After I updated my blog yesterday, I took a walk and sat in the park. If you know me,  you know that's not really me. :-) But lo and behold, I had to eat, so I went to the local gourmet store, that was quite clean and guess what. A man jumped in front of me with his four tall beers, like I wasn't even standing there. I'm like really. Forget that I had a drink, an ice cream bar and sunflower seeds in my hand (it's my new thing). It's like if you are not sitting on the counter top with your items or sprawled over the counter, you do not exist. I've had it. I'm about to be on my takeover mode. Got to get the Philly back - I've been near the Mason Dixon line too long. Trying to be nice to folks, New Yorkers, don't speak nice. Now I got to go in my bag! Done!
I walk home with my cheese steak and sorry New Yorkers, DC folks, or wherever they say they sell Philly Cheesesteaks. If you are not in Philly, it's not a Philly cheesesteak. Stop it! Just like if you are not in New York, it's not New York pizza. *sigh*

Thursday: I sat at the community table till about noon and another little boy came in whining. OMG. I was like - not again. I cannot stand whiny children. This particular little boy was not just whining, but a smart aleck as well. He told the teacher, that if she moved out of his way, they wouldn't have a problem. He proceeded to pass her and she grabbed his little body and sat him in the chair. I just stared at him - like trying to use my mind to send him subliminal messages that yelled, "Sit your tail down" or "don't make me come over there". He didn't get the message, because after several attempted escapes, they brought in two more teachers. 
Then another little boy came in and sat down at the community table like he belonged there. I was eating my Fudge Round and  he said, "I've had those before". I said, "Yes, they are good". Then he points to my juice and said, "I've never had that before". I just looked at him like, "little boy, you are trying to con a con woman". I turned and stuffed the fudge round in my mouth, as if to say, "And you won't get none today". 
On my way home, I decided to spend a little bit more time in Harlem. Well, I actually decided to stay on the street level and finish my phone conversation near the train station entrance. Well, luckily I did. I look down the stairwell to the train and I see this woman push another woman down the steps. I was like, "it's about to be a fire". They were yelling and the guy and woman were chasing another woman. Apparently, according to some bystanders who came to talk to me afterwards, like we were friends stated that, the guy took the girl's purse, and he had an accomplice (another girl - the one that was pushed) and the girl who had her wallet stolen was following the guy around, because she saw him with her wallet. To make a long story short, the dude was following his accomplice, who was trying to get away. She stopped traffic to either get the police, a cab or something to get out of there. No cabs would let her in. She raced up and down intersecting streets the entire time I was there, catching up with what happened with the two noisy women. Then the cops show up and everybody on the corner says, "Now you show up". At this point, the woman is still in eyesight and walking up the hill. The cops come over to the corner and asks one dude, what happened, where is the girl. The guy looks at them and turns his head. So, the cops look at us, like, "what's going on" and we look at them like, "what's going on". I guess NY and Philly have the same rules. 
Don't start nothing, won't be nothing. Mind your business! I was trying to mutter under my breath, the girl is right there. Then I tried to do it with my eyes, by looking at them and looking at her. Again, trying to send subliminal messages with my mind. I think they heard my mind, because they got in their car and headed up the hill. One lady that was telling me the story said, that this stuff happens all the time, right here at this subway station. 103rd Avenue. I said, "well, that's my cue to go home". 
I get down to the platform and one guy is yelling loudly, above a whisper (remember the rule), so I hide behind the column, so he can only see one of my eyes - just in case he  saw me looking at him - I could hide both eyes. I was so focused on him, that another guy snuck up on me and I accidentally looked at him in the face. I thought. Oh no, I'm dead now. It's about to go down. He looked right at me and his eyes were extremely light, clothes dingy, beard long and crazy and he was tapping a white cane, like he might be blind. At this point, I quickly turn my head and hold on tighter to the column, because my thought was that if he decides to push me. I'll have something to hold on to. He then walks pass, says something and then loudly rhymes, "I can feel the brightness, I can't breathe. Too many people - on the platform for meeee." As he said it, I was trying to write it down, so I wouldn't forget, all while holding on to the column and holding my book and writing with one hand. 
This time everyone looked like they wanted my column, because if he started tossing people off, they didn't have anything to hold on to. I looked back at them, like it will be a fight. Best believe that! This is my column. 

I manage to make it home with no delays, no more drama and without getting lost. I was going to end this with that's all the drama for today, until I just heard the couple that I rent from arguing - the woman is raising her voice way above a whisper. The guy is telling her to lower her voice and she is saying "NO, just answer the question". Now, I hear doors slamming. You only have three doors to slam, the front door, their room door and the bathroom door. They better not come over here and try to slam my door. I'm paid for the month. To make matters worse - I need to go to the bathroom and I don't really want to get into that war zone. I need my own place. July 1 is a comin!
I will have a job in two weeks, I will move in two weeks and I will only have to hear the arguments coming from my TV in two weeks. Nevertheless, I will be alright. :-) 
Good night!

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