Monday, June 24, 2013

Heat, Lies and New Yorkers

It's hot as Hades out here!

I mean, just absolutely hot for no good reason. So hot that the birds don't even want to come out. They just glide under the train stations, where they "like us humans" are sure to get a breeze.

I'm woman enough to admit, that glamorous picture that I always see about New York is  nothing but a fallacy, a lie, a misconception. Being skinny, walking through the city with heels on, a flowing dress and flawless make-up is a LIE. Yes, I said it...lies.

This is how the women walk around: 
  1. They all have on flats or walking sneakers
  2. Knee length skirts; 
  3. Buttoned down shirts, that are plastered to them; 
  4. Sweat on all the main parts you can see and don't see, including the hairy legs; 
  5. Hair in a ponytail, because if not, it would be matted to your FACE due to sweat; 
  6. Two bags, because you need one for your personal stuff and one for your actual shoes to wear around the office;
  7. White socks, so your feet do not stink; 
  8. Biker shorts, because getting chaffed is not FUN! 
  9. And, we don't glide or a waltz around, it's more like stomping, because you have to open your stride to get around the slow folks, the people with strollers, the people on their phones, the kids, the speed walkers, and all the trash.

Hello, NYC is dirty. Yes, I said it. Dirty!!!

On top of that, most of the apartments that I can afford to rent, do not have central air. When I asked my realtor about central air, she laughed at me. Who knew?

So to sum it up, you'll be sweaty, grimy, greasy, frumpy, hot, dirty and miserable (nothing sexy at all) - but there's no other place I'd rather be right now. Except my own apartment! I had deja vu, meaning I've seen this before it even happened. I'm walking in my destiny! I'm trying to remember if I saw my job or apartment too!


Here are some funny pictures, I've been taking! Like a NYC tourist...:-)

I've never seen this sort of squirrel? 
Did someone dye its tail? 
Weird, odd, strange! (LOL)

Seriously, these New Yorkers are a trip. They beep their horns at everything and anyone, even for no reason. 
You MUST beep your horn, to be a New Yorker. SMH

This was me, holding on for dear life - when I thought that guy was going to start throwing people off the platform. 
Funny now, not funny then! 
See someone at risk? Right! Every man for themselves!

This was my WELCOME to New York sign! 
Right before my dress went up in the air! SMH

Alright, Good day today - 
I was approved for the apartment, just waiting on the job!

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